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In Loving Memory of My Bestfriend.♥

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

after a year i've began to realize, "everything happens for a reason."♥

It's hard to believe that it's almost been a year since i lost my sweet angel. This summer has sucked without her here, nothing is the same. the town, our school, our friends, her family, everything has been changed by this horrible tragedy. The hardest part is missing her because it's not once a week or once a month it is every single second of everyday. You know when something bad happens in your life you always have your bestfriend to lean on, who am i suppose to lean on when my bestfriend is the one that was taken from me? She was such a beautiful individual & when i say beautiful i mean inside & out. She affected so many lives and she is greatly missed by everyone. It's not fair, life isn't fair but it is sad when you have people out here who do illegal things everyday that threathen their lives & the lives of others but yet they seem to be the ones who live forever but my precious lakyn had to leave this world the day after she turned 18. I guess god had a plan for her & it really is true that he only takes the best. If you didn't have the oppurtunity to meet lakyn i am truly sorry because she was one of a kind. She was my hero, my inspiration! Life threw her many curve balls but she remained happy, always. I met her in the 4th grade and we were BEST FRIENDS right up until the day she passed. It was such a blessing to have such an amazing friend, i will be forever grateful. For all you  guys who have never lost someone so special to you, i have some advice. NEVER fail to let the ones you love know exactly how much they mean to you. Live your life to the fullest because you only have one life to live. ALWAYS & i mean ALWAYS cherish your bestfriend because you only have one thats close enough to be a sister/brother. This is the most important statement of all: no matter what happens in life always know that "everything happens for a reason." as lakyn would say...<3

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